Incredible Angel Or Alien Caught On CCTV August 2013

West Side resident and traveling preacher Charles Shelton says his prayers for a safer community are being answered. He says he caught the evidence on tape.

Shelton put surveillance cameras around his house recently after crime in the community starting inching a little too close to his front door. He can point to places nearby where people have been shot through the years.

He is out of town often, traveling to preach at churches and wanted to make certain his home was protected.

But August 4 he caught something on one of those surveillance cameras that he is convinced is a sign from Heaven.

He caught video of a large white circle moving through the video slowly, not once but twice. And he said it was going into the room where he was sitting at the time.

Shelton said God woke him up around 3 that morning and told him to pray. He did for about 30 minutes. Then He said something told him to go look at the camera monitors in his dining room.

"I never did look outside. It was just too astonishing. It just blew my mind," Shelton said.

He said he knows there will be skeptics. Some of the people he's shown the video to, told him it was probably a bug or a light coming from nearby. He has even tried to re-create the image to come up with a more earthly explanation. But in the end, Shelton believes the white circle is a symbol of hope for a troubled community sent by a higher power.

"It changed me tremendously, to know that when I prayed the Lord hears my prayer," Shelton said. "I know there are angels around that are being dispatched in this area. There are angels.